Lu is going blue.

(and you can too.)

BY STOCK-surfer aerial.jpg

All things blue are good to you.

The surf, the salt, the sunsets too.

So I just have one simple Q:

Do you treat the sea as the sea treats you?


A: It doesn’t have to be this way.

We can do better, starting today.


Saving the sea starts with you and me.


Why Go Blue?

Because the sea needs us to.


Something’s not right.

It doesn’t take much investigating to see that our oceans, our planet, and our wildlife are in trouble. Pollution and habitat destruction are out of control. Climate change and resource scarcity threaten our ecosystems, our food systems, and our way of life.

The good news is that we all have the power to help turn things around.

Each and every day, we are faced with individual choices that add up over time. Our behavior has a ripple effect into the world around us, and every dollar we spend is a statement about what kind of world we want to live in. If we use this power a little more wisely, we can contribute to the problems less, and even be part of solutions.

The rules of the game have changed.

It isn’t our fault, but we live in a different world than generations before us. We have been left with the scraps of a once bountiful and endless ocean. The progress that created today’s world and the many comforts we often take for granted has come with a hefty price: our ocean’s health. As individuals, we can’t do everything, but we can absolutely do better than we are doing right now.

It’s time to adapt- to save the sea.